Contact us:

Inter Express Transport A/S
Vallensbækvej 6
2605 Brøndby

Phone: 44 85 07 77

Søren Sigurdsson

Adm direktør / Adm CEO

Michael Kristensen


Henrik Jensen

Account Coord

Ulla Lundgren

Bogholderi / Accountancy

Move of a company is a matter of trust

It can seem like an enormous task to move an entire company to new offices, whether it’s Denmark or abroad.

How long time will it take?

How much will it affect the daily work?

How much delay must be calculated?

When is the best time to move?

Interexpress has a lot of experience in office and company relocations

We will work out time schedules that will be followed, so that the interruption in the daily business is as minimal as possible. Even if this means moving at night or in the weekends, we will be available to do the task whenever it’s convenient for the customer.

We move allmost everything

We can transport small pc hardware as well as entire server rooms in a secure way, during a weekend, so that everyone can be ready to log on Monday morning.

In cooperation with the customers moving project responsible, we offer a competent consultant assistance, with advice regarding planning, guidance as well as the controlling part of the move.

Professionel help and advice

Our employees will move quickly and professionally, and they are always ready to assist you, if there should be any questions.

Please call and make an appointment for visit by our moving consultant, and to get a non-binding offer, in writing.